Sunday, March 16, 2008

losing trust in all

Just to let you know I'm on a low.
Feeling depressed.

HH (my direct supervisor/ boss) made comments about me to others that I'm not mature enough, that I'm resigning because I can't handle stress and can't people manage.

I gave reasons simply that it's time to move and learn new things.

Just partially upset why they would such things about me even if i'm impaired at managing people. Working with people, I'm ok. Maybe i'm just not management level yet.

Still feel awfully down and distrustful.

Yah, that's all.

1 comment:

Disillusioned said...

Can understand your distrust and distress. Can empathise too. It's horrible when people you think you knew turn on you.

Remember it is (at least) as much about them as it is about you. Possibly more.

Look after yourself.